Get out your crystals and sage, salt lamps and soothing essential oils the Full Moon is upon us!

Since I was a kid I’ve loved watching the night sky and getting up close and personal with the moon through my telescope. Being Indian, all things astrology come with the culture. My parents were believers in planetary affects and crystal healing, my brother and I both have copies of our astrological charts lying around. To be honest I resisted it partly because it didn’t make sense to me and partly because I didn’t want to be the weird kid wearing a big ass stone ring on her pinky finger… This was the 80’s, times have definitely changed.
But I always had a special connection with the moon. It wasn’t until I started practicing yoga and meditation to cultivate my own energy that I became aware of how special that connection really was. Not just for me, but for all of everything. Fact: The moon affects gravitational pull.
Over the last decade or so I’ve been been running an observational study, noticing my mood during the Full and New phases of the moon. I’ve noticed over the years how my mood and the phases of the moon are connected with fluctuations in my energy. Rather than pushing through it, I’ve begun to slow down and honor this shift by slowing down, sleeping in , staying quiet, and finding strength in my sensitivity.

Rather than feeling agitated by other people’s behavior, being aligned with the phases of the moon has taught me to take responsibility of my own behavior. I can’t expect someone to respect my boundaries if I’m not respecting them myself.
Ladies as you follow the phases your menstrual cycle will also sync up with moon where you find yourself starting your period on the new or full moon. A wonderful app I love to use is the Eve app to track this.
I also really love the work of Dr. Ezzie Spencer who has an entire blog, Lunar Abundance, dedicated to the rhythms of the moon. Check it out.
As always don’t just take my word for it.
Try it for yourself and report back… Post to comments.
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