It’s amazing how much you can really get done in 90 days if you are committed to doing one thing every day.
Whether it’s the last 90 days of the year or the first 90 days of the year the point is if you get laser focused on accomplishing one thing in 90 days chances are it’s going to happen. It’s easier said than done, I know.
But just imagine the possibilities if you actually did focus on one thing?
I’ve been doing this practice to Amplify 90 to close out the year but really it can be done any time – beginning, end, middle – makes no difference. In fact, the more I’ve been doing this, the more intentional my life has become and the more I’ve accomplished.
I know you have brilliant ideas and a vision for your life that is absolutely amazing – whether it be to start a business, travel the world, write a book, be a role model for your child, or all of the above. It can be overwhelming to want to do it all now and in the process of feel like you’re doing nothing at all. Trust me, I’ve been there.
Slow down. Pick one big goal. Get to work.
I love this IG post that has been floating around.
It also reminds me to celebrate the little wins throughout the day that are all leading to that BIG goal. Rather than looking for outside accolades and approval, look within. I’m notorious for not celebrating the little wins (overachiever syndrome) and then I find myself hating on the most important person in my life for not doing enough…
We’ve all fallen into that trap of feeling like we haven’t done enough. But is that the reality? Probably not. And if it is, then now you know where to make shift happen.
Here are the steps that I follow to Amplify 90
5 Steps to Amplify 90
- Write down 1 BIG goal you want to achieve by the end of the year. Keep in mind you may or may not get that exact thing but by being obsessed with getting it you will definitely be a lot closer to it than you are now. And in the process it will open new doors.
- Visualize yourself already having gotten this goal. See yourself being the person with it. Visualize every last detail. Write it down if you’d like. Do this daily.
- Every day do at least one thing towards getting this goal.
- Before saying “yes” to something ask yourself will doing XYZ bring you closer towards or move you further away from this goal? Regardless of how the answer affects your choice, the awareness is what’s most important here.
- Every evening take inventory by asking yourself “What did I do to amplify my goal today?”
Amplify Action Guide
I’ve packed these 5 steps and more in this free Amplify Action Guide. Download it here.
Pick Four Workbook
I use Seth Godin’s Pick Four Workbook curated from the late, great Zig Ziglar. It’s super simple and a great way to see your daily progress… the old fashioned way with pen and paper.
Post to comments what you’re going to shift in the next 90 days and let the countdown begin.
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