Mindshift Monday | Stay with stillness
In a world of instant gratification and immediate relief, its easy to get upset and frustrated and walk away when things don’t go according to plan… harder to stay with stillness and listen for the growth.
In every argument, failed communication, and rejection is a moment of growth and evolution. But you’ll never experience it if you act on anger, and leave. It takes courage to be graceful with the lows. Although it may not be easy, it will be powerful.
Serenity Prayer
The serenity prayer is a beautiful guide for staying with stillness. This prayer is my daily mantra and overtime has cultivated gratitude for all of my life experiences.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Make Shift Happen
This week stay with stillness in a difficult situation and make shift happen.
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