Did reading the title of this article immediately make you cringe and activate your fight or flight system? Well, guess what you’re not alone. Stress VIEW POST
Go slowly
When I was on safari in Tanzania the one animal I was most impressed with was the majestic elephants. Even though they tower over humans with VIEW POST
Mindful Monday: Wisdom from silence
Whoosh... and just like that we are officially in spring. It's crazy how everything is always changing ALL THE TIME. And when I say VIEW POST
Stepping into spring… In silence
We've sprung forward with our clocks and pollen has officially taken over the air (source: my itchy eyes and scratchy throat). It can only mean one VIEW POST
How to harmonize with the Winter Solstice – Instructions included!
"Only through darkness do we see the light. Only through stillness do we hear the truth." When our greatest light source, the sun, stops and VIEW POST
Mindful Mala Project
Mindfulness is finally getting its turn in the spotlight and rightly so, check out this latest Times article. The practice of turning inwards VIEW POST